January 2024
Apparently we have made it through yet another interesting year! I hope you and yours are healthy and reasonably happy.
And we still have the teddy bears! Many of the in-person shows are continuing and finding support. I have even seen a few eager younger faces among the attendees! As we oldsters age, it gets just a little tougher to get to the shows every year, but getting to see old friends, both collectors and artists, and getting to make new friends is well worth it.
The Raspbearies will be booking a couple of shows again this year. TBAI in NY and Hunt Valley in MD will probably be on the agenda. Check the 'Upcoming Shows' block below for announcements. Spring is always busy with the grandkids and adventures and no planned shows then... yet.
I have been posting on FaceBook under 'Raspbearies' and find it to be a faster way to get timely information and photos out rather than updating here every time. So check it out. Oh wait... give me a few minutes to update it!
Stay well!
Vicki & the Raspbearies